Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 10

Luca again followed the King out the great doors.  Instead of flying up to his room, he continued on with King Omni into the gardens at the front of the castle. The King showed him flowerbeds filled with beautiful flowers and different kinds of trees.
“What is this thing in the middle of the garden?” asked Luca looking up. What he saw was a tiered white fountain spilling water into golden basins.

“That is a fountain,” said the King. “You are welcome to drink out of the pool at the bottom.”

The bottom pool had a foot-high, two-foot-wide basin all around. Luca bent down to take a drink. He stopped when he saw a small dragon covered with rainbow scales with black wings looking back at him were two red eyes with golden crosses within. It was his reflection.

“Is that me?” Luca asked, still gazing into the water.

“Yes, that is you,” said the King walking up beside him.

Luca noticed how tall the King was next to him. The King wore a golden crown on his dark brown hair. A purple tunic with a golden belt glittered beneath a red hooded cloak. Black silken pants were tucked into tall black boots. Luca continued to look in the water at both reflections.

“Will I be as tall as you someday?” Luca asked.

“Much taller,” said the King.

Luca thought about being taller for a moment and then took his drink.

When he was finished, King Omni said, “Luca, I must leave now, there are matters that require my attention.  But from now on, we will take a walk in the garden just after the noon meal every day.  Feel free to stay or look around the castle, but I must go for now. I will either see you at the evening meal or tomorrow after the noon meal. Have fun discovering your surroundings. I must leave you.” The King paused.

Luca saw him raise his arm as he watched the King in the water.

 “This is Tarnen.”

Luca looked up to see a tall very thin man with pointed ears, standing just behind the King giving him a slight bow. When he appeared, Luca did not know.

“He will show you around. He will guide you and teach you until you are grown and capable of taking on your duties around the castle,” Then he reached over and patted Lucas’s head.
 Luca smiled under the warmth of the Kings hand.

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