Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 30

 When he was finished writing, King Omni placed his golden seal, which had a scepter in a crown, at the bottom over a golden folded ribbon to imbed the ribbon under the gold and white seal. The King knew that the castle would understand that such a seal meant that the announcement was important. Then he rolled it up and handed it to the Herald.

             “Make this announcement everywhere in the castle!”
            “Yes, Your Highness,” said the herald as he bowed then left the room.
            As commanded, the herald went straight to the royal hall and stood on the top step. He unrolled the parchment and began to declare,
            “Hear Ye, Hear Ye!”

             Servants, young royals, and guides started to gather around.

            The herald continued:
“A royal decree from King Omni of The Northern Kingdom:
To all royals and those who serve them.
Do not enter the sea at the southern wall of the Kingdom,
For it is cursed!
If you enter into the waters,
You will become as the one who cursed it.”

            The herald also made his announcements on all the floors and gathering places of the Kingdom to make sure no one missed such an important announcement as he had been told to do. When he finished, he hung the announcement near the front door of the castle for all to see.

            Knowing his royal generations would someday meet demise, the King continued to make more children. Only the first couple generations ever saw the dragon, and they were small children at the time. The dragon had not made an appearance since that time. The oldest of the royals told their siblings over the years how the dragon used to change rocks into desirable things for them. But because they had never seen the dragon, it all just sounded like mythical stories to them. For many years, all was quiet in the Kingdom and everyone, out of habit, stayed away from the south wall sea.

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