Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 8

to a glorious black color that reflected rainbows in the light. Finally, he lifted his feet, flying around the room. The servants ducked as he rose to the ceiling.
As he flew, the King said, “Blow hard out of your nostrils.” The dragon blew, and a small stream of fire came out of his nose.  

One of the servants said, “Oh” with concern.
            The King laughed and said, “Come Luca. I want to show you some things.”

The baby dragon seemed to grow in flight. When he landed on the floor next to the King, Luca was the size of a four-year-old child. The King again patted the baby dragon on the head.

“Follow me, Luca. I will show you where you will be sleeping,” said King Omni.

The King headed for the walnut doors of the Celebration Hall, which were opened by two servants.

The little dragon followed along behind, looking at everything. He saw the large crystal chandelier filled with candles that he had flown around. He noticed that at the back of the large room was a purple curtain. In front of the curtain was a throne made entirely of gold.  Under one arm of the throne, was a lion and a lamb was under the other.  It had a large plush velvet cushion for the King’s comfort.  The east and west walls were gold. Four red banners hanging on each wall.  The banners were embroidered with an insignia of a golden shield with a golden scepter inside a gold crown.

King Omni led the dragon through two walnut doors into the foyer.  

Luca continued to look around as he followed the King. He saw two halls of doors with a stairway in the center. Past the Celebration Hall, to his left, was a room with many large tables. Luca could smell something coming from that way that made his tummy rumble. When Luca looked up, he saw a high ceiling containing another crystal chandelier.

The King continued straight ahead where there were two large white doors that had two golden rings on them. Two guards dressed in armor stood on either side of the doors. Each grasped a door ring and opened the doors inward. King Omni went out the doors with Luca following close behind, observing his surroundings. When they were out of the castle, the King pointed up at a tower in the North West corner.
“Look up there,” said King Omni, “See that window? That is the window of your room. Fly up and in. Look around, and I will meet you up there in a moment.”

Luca flapped his little wings and levitated above the ground. Then he flew up into the window. When he landed inside, he saw the room was round and tall with golden walls. It had another window, high up and facing south. That had a large golden perch. Sunlight was streaming in the south window and caused the opposite wall to glisten just as the other window’s light glistened on its opposite wall. On a slightly raised hearth was a large fireplace made of golden rock. It had a little grate and a place for wood. But right now, it was empty.  Luca peek

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