Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 13

“In that case, all accounted for, you’re Highness.” Orfa placed the feather pen back in her hat, rolled up the scroll, placed it in her hidden pocket, bowed to the King and climbed on her horse which stood a few paces behind the King's.
The King climbed up on the horse he had calmed and looked at Luca who was now as tall as the steed.

            As the dragon saw all these things being assembled for the first trip, he was puzzled. Luca looked at all the stuff and asked King Omni, “Why don’t you just create all the things you need along the way instead of taking a supply wagon?”

            “All creatures need to know they have purpose, something to fulfill their lives. So I only create the basics and wait to see what they will do with what they are given,” King Omni explained, “It delights me to see them enjoy what they do. Have you had your breakfast yet?”

            “No,” said Luca.

“You go eat while we finish organizing, and then come join our procession.”
Luca went in the castle doors, which were being held by the castle guards and went right to the kitchen. Now he ate like a human. He used a fork and knife to eat eggs and toast. .He rushed through his breakfast so he could join the King for his first excursion. When he finished and went back out, everyone sat on their horses, ready to move out.

“Luca, you are welcome to fly overhead while we ride. Let’s proceed,” shouted the King. The parade started to move.   First King Omni with guards riding on either side then Luca flew overhead.  They were followed by the scribe, another host of guards, and finally the wagon at the rear.
From then on, Luca traveled with King Omni whenever he left the castle. On each excursion, Luca would glide above the King and his guard, looking over the mountains, Trees, and water. At first Lucas slept on the ground with the King and his men.

One evening, King Omni pointed up to a cave in a nearby mountain and said, “Luca, see that cave? You may want to sleep up there. I think you will be more comfortable there. Fly up and light a small fire inside to dry out the dampness within. It is rather cool and damp on the ground for a dragon. A warm cave will be much more to your liking I am sure.”

            Luca did as the King suggested. He flew up into the cave and made a fire, warming the cave quickly. It was cozy and nice to be in the cave to sleep. It was much like his tower room in the castle. The King smiled as he watched Luca settle in for the evening.  From that time on, when Luca found a cave he liked, he would fly down to the King and say, “I found a nice cave, just ahead. Can we stop there for the night?”

            “We will stop in the nearest meadow,” The King would announce.

            While in the area of the cave, King Omni would create animals and other creatures to populate the forest. Some could speak in human tongue, and some could not. As the King created, the scribe would write the creatures created on her scroll and the area where they

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