Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 39

The herald put down his horn, took up the scroll, and started to read:
“Hear ye Hear ye,
Prince Adam and Princess Eva are out on the castle grounds.
We need to go out and look for them.”

             The royal family gathered along with the guides, guards, and other servants. Orfa retrieved her scroll, and as she rolled it, she said,

             “Let’s split into two groups. Half go around the outside to the left of the castle with Edith, and the rest toward the right with Charity. If you do not find them, we will meet at the gate, I’ll stay with the gate guards in case they show up there. If you can’t find them, we will have to look outside the castle wall.”

            The staff and royals started looking in every nook and cranny within the courtyards and gardens. Orfa stood and waited by the gate.

“What is the problem?” asked one of the guards who was standing on the east side of gate.

“Two of the royals have gone missing and we are hunting for them.”

“What can we do?” asked the guard on the west side of the gate.

“You can’t leave your post, so continue to stand guard unless you know of anything unusual that happened here today,” Orfa inquired.

“Well, we did hear some noises in the woodlands and had to investigate, said the east gate guard.

‘But we never moved more than a few feet outside the royal gates,” said the west guard defensively. 

“Hmm, that is all it would take with children who are smart enough to get out,” said Orfa.  The royals and staff were merging from around the castle to the gate near Orfa.

“We could not find them anywhere.  You don’t suppose they got out of the gate do you?” Charity asked concern on her worried brow.

            “I wouldn’t put it past Prince Adam. He has been yearning to get out for a long time,” Edith said crossing her arms.

“Guess we must check outside too. Royals and staff!” shouted Orfa, “Half of you go around the outside of the west wall with Edith.  Charity and the rest of you follow me to the west. We will meet at the south wall we will decide what to do if they are not there.  Let’s proceed.”

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