Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 29

Chapter 4: The Enchanted Sea
            “Ah. I see the King is leaving on another excursion,” said Luca, weeks later as he hid in woods near the back of the castle. “As always, no one is back here.”
             Luca gazed at a meadow near the south wall. A breeze gently moved flowers and grasses. He sauntered out a few feet and reached for the amulet on his necklace. Waving it over the field in a commanding voice Luca said,
            “Field of green, you are now a sea of sweet cool water. You shall be the deepest of blues, with the freshest of scents, meant to beguile the strongest of wills, to enter your waters. Your sandy beach will call to anyone at its edge whispering, ‘Come, do not resist. This will moisten the driest of bodies, refresh the heat at anyone’s neck, take the pain from anyone’s shoulders, and make you forget any of your woes. Come and lay on my shore, cover yourself with the comforting blanket of my waters.'
            As soon as the words were spoken, a beautiful blue sea appeared with ripples on its waters, and the field was no more. The trees and bushes that appeared along its banks all looked so natural, as if the sea always belonged there. The most inviting smooth sandy beach appeared close to the golden castle wall.

An evil grin formed across the dragon’s long snout. “It is more beautiful than I ever imagined.  Now for the best part, the curse,” Luca held the ruby amulet over the water. Then he chanted:
All who enter into this sea,
Will be a dragon just like me,
 Once you leave and touch the shore,
 A Royal you will be no more.

The dragon looked happily at his creation. When he was satisfied with all he saw, he slithered into the southern forest. He knew he dare not fly and take a chance of being seen.
             King Omni returned the next day. He saw the tranquil blue sea shimmering behind his castle and knew its danger. When the trumpets blew as King Omni entered the castle, he went straight to his office desk, followed by Orfa. “Luca is pursuing his threat. There can be no reconciliation now,” King Omni explained to Orfa, “Ask the herald to come in here, please,”
            “Yes, Your Majesty. Glad you are home, Your Majesty,” said Orfa.
             She left the room and came back quickly with a herald. When the herald entered the King’s office, he noticed King Omni had not even bothered to take off his traveling attire. The King had a large scroll in front of him and a feathered pen and inkwell full of golden ink. He was writing furiously when he said,
            “You must make this announcement this very day!”

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