Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 19

around his neck.
“I’ll light a little fire to keep warm,” said Luca, “but first I need some wood to burn.”
He piled some rocks and said, “Fire of burning cedar.”
             A large fire began to burn merrily in the cave. Luca looked at the fire and breathed in deeply.
            “I just adore the smell of burning cedar.  Now, something soft,” Luca looked around the cave and saw a large boulder. “Turn into a large soft cushion!” Luca commanded.
             The boulder started to shimmer and then turned into a large red cushion. Luca climbed on top and curled up near the door to watch the setting sun.
            “I’m sure this is more comfortable than anything they could have had in that tent.”  Then he rolled on his back and went to sleep.
            When Luca awoke, he stretched and yawned. Leaving his cushion behind, he flew back down to the King and the servants. All but King Omni were scurrying around packing tents, dishes, and the rest of the supplies. As each group finished, they fell in lines behind the King.

            “Did you rest well?” asked King Omni.
            “Very well,” said Luca.

            “The mountain caves can be a beautiful place to look over the countryside,” said the King knowingly.
            “Yes. It was wonderful up high. ” Luca said, acting as if all the grouchiness of yesterday never happened.

            When all were assembled, the King motioned to move, the trumpets blew, and Luca took to the sky once more. After going through a large forest on a wide road, the whole company came upon a great sandy beach on the shore of a large body of water. They had reached their destination, Downington Ocean. This time the carriages were lined along the edge of the forest, and tents pitched on the sand in front of them. The King’s tent was placed closer to the water. After the camp was set, the guides came to the ocean shore carrying clothing and crowns.

            Luca made sure all the campfires were lit before he landed.

            The King with the rest of the staff joined the guides by the sea. King Omni went to the wet sand on the shore. Not partial to water, Luca stayed back, near the King’s tent. Luca watched as King Omni did something he had never seen him do before. He got on his knees in the sand and started to pile sand together. Luca stared without a word, curiously. The sand piles started to take shape. To Luca it looked as if the King was making twelve small versions of himself. Their ears were round, unlike the pointed ears of the servants, and they were much smaller.  King Omni bent down to each creature and blew air into their sand mouths. As he did, each little person came to life. They were all what would be considered seven years old, but they all looked different in color and shape. There were six boys and six girls. They had eyes of green, blue, and brown. All had different colored hair and different colored skin.

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