Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 26

“How did he feel about the hug?’

“He seemed to like it. He made stuff for other royals too!”

“That is very good,” King Omni smiled, “I’ll have to thank him too.”
The King gave Princess Carlea a hug. Other royals gathered close to speak to their father and tell him about what had happened to them while he was away.
After dinner, King Omni went up to see Luca. He was lying on his bed, looking out the window.

             “Hello Luca,” said the King as he looked around the room, “I see you have given yourself a few furnishings. Glad you have made yourself comfortable. I came up to thank you so much for taking your duties seriously and for doing things for the young royals. I am so pleased!”
            Luca had not seen the King in a long time and was happy to have his approval.
Luca smiled up at King Omni warmly, feeling like he did before the little royals came. The King went up to Luca and rubbed his head affectionately.  Luca smiled and closed his eyes. He felt his affection rise for the King, even more.

“I must go, Luca but again, thank you.”

When the King left, Luca sat and basked in the King’s touch. Then it hit him. Luca frowned,

“He treated me like no more than a glorified pet!” he said out loud, “No hug for Luca, just a head rubbing.”
            From then on, Luca would spend his time around the royals only until the King came home from his travels. Then he would fly to some cave to stay until the King was gone again from the castle.
One day, the royal heralds blew their large horns by the door and announced,

 “The King is in residence.”

Princes and princesses were standing in line on the steps in the Celebration Hall waiting for Luca to change rocks for them. When they heard the trumpets, they dropped their rocks and ran to the foyer. They started jumping up and down, shouting, excitedly as King Omni came in the great white doors.

“Come, my children. Let us visit in the Celebration hall while a feast is prepared.”

The King gave love, time, and blessings, over each and every prince and princess. They showed him what the dragon had made for them while he was away, and the royalty enjoyed the time in the King’s presence.

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