Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 43

stride toward the dragon who he saw standing against a wall.
            Luca was startled for only a moment, until the situation dawned on him. Then he began to smile.
             “Well, Well,” Luca said as the King emerged from the forming pool, “I knew you would come someday, Omni, but it is too late. See all these eggs?” The dragon pointed toward dozens of thousands of eggs. “These are my children, my heirs. Soon they will hatch, and I will have a family of my own!”
            “You can enchant, Luca, but you cannot create. These,” King Omni said pointing to the eggs, “are still my children. You can only lead them to destruction. I will break your curse! I am here to take back the magic Dragon’s Eye!” King Omni raised his shield and pointed his sword.
            “Come and get it, if you think you can,” said the dragon, blowing a puff of fire out of his nostrils and raising his large wings.
             King Omni lifted his shield just in time to escape the flames being spewed at him in red, yellow and blue array. As Luca tried to gather more air to shoot fire at the King, King Omni moved forward with his sword and stabbed the dragon near his heart. It should have hit his heart, but after all this time, the dragon’s heart had shrunk and was hard to reach.
             They fought savagely. The dragon breathed his fire. The King held up his shield in defense. King Omni tried to knock the dragon down with his sword. The dragon tried to knock down the King with his strong wings, and in doing so, he tore a hole into King Omni’s lower right arm that held his sword. Then the dragon tried to scratch the King’s face, but King Omni brought up his shield and the dragon caught the King’s shoulder instead. Around and around they fought. Finally Luca saw his advantage.  Picking up his feet and flapping his huge wings, Luca kicked at the King and knocked King Omni to the ground. The King lay weak, bleeding from the slashing of the dragon wings. Luca pinned the King down with his back claws. Then, using his wings, he reached down and tossed the sword from the King’s right hand and the shield out of his left. King Omni lay under the dragon’s massive bulk, arms outstretched, weak, and fighting for breath. At that moment, the dragon brought his snout with nostrils flaring down to the ground near the face of King Omni, wanting to gloat over him.

            “I am the strongest,” the dragon exclaimed, “Look at yourself, weak and frail. I am the most powerful of all,” The dragon raised his proud head toward the ceiling of the cave and filled it with flames.
            While the dragon was engrossed, he did not feel the blood-soaked right hand of the King slowly slip out of the dragon’s claw. Quick as a flash, King Omni put his hand to the dragon’s neck, and snatched the amulet.
            The dragon screamed and moved off King Omni so he could reach for the necklace. Luca had lost his power.

            “Give it back Omni!” Luca shouted.

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