Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchaqntment page 34

“I found it one day when I was exploring. Let’s go!” Prince Adam grabbed Princess

Eva’s arm and led her down to the end of the hall, just left of the stairs. Sure enough, a door was hidden behind a golden curtain at the end.
Prince Adam looked out carefully, left and right, as he opened the door. No one was around, so he and Princess Eva went out.

“What now?”Princess Eva asked.
            “We make our way to the front gate and slip out of the courtyard,” Prince Adam explained.

When the door closed, Princess Eva noticed it had no handle on the outside

. “Oh no! We can’t get back in this way,” Princess Eva lamented.
            “Don’t worry. I’ll think of something. Let’s just concentrate on getting out of here first, "Prince Adam reassured, “Now follow me and keep close.”

            Adam made his way along walls of the castle toward the gate to the north. They had to go past the kitchen carefully. The doors were wide open to let out the heat. They heard merry talking and pans clanking.  At one point, they had crouch behind a slosh barrel when a cook came out to dump some water. When the cook was gone, they hurried past the kitchen and along the wall until they came to the merchant buildings. Two servants were talking and walking at the front of the buildings. Prince Adam signaled to Princess Eva to stop. When Prince Adam saw they had moved on, he whispered as loud as he dared,

            Eva again followed close behind. They hurried behind the first building. Prince Adam looked one way then the other. One by one they quietly made their way behind each building until they were near the gate. Golden medal clad guards with golden swords hanging by their sides, were standing on each side of the open gate outside the castle. Eva looked to Adam to see what he would do next. Adam was looking around and gathering stones.

             “Watch.” He gave a mighty throw. The rock flew past the gate and well past the guards.

“What was that?” asked one guard to the other.

“Let’s investigate, “said the other. Both guards looked around each side of gate but found nothing. They went back to their places.

Prince Adam and Princess Eva were hiding next to the east side of the gate. This time, Adam gave a mighty throw, out the gate and toward the west. The stone hit a small tree trunk and made the leaves rustle. Again, the guards went to investigate, both had swords drawn and were heading to the west side of the gate.

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