Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment Page 41

All the princes and princesses felt ashamed because they knew they had disobeyed the King’s command. They quickly climbed out of the water. But alas, as soon as a foot stepped on dry land, each turned into a dragon. The older ones, who had met Luca, ran into the hills to hide in shame from their father. They had known the dragon and yet still disobeyed.

            Prince Adam, Princess Eva, and many of the younger dragons remained. They ran to their father and fell on their dragon knees.
             “Is there no way to change back, father?” asked Princess Eva as she grabbed her father’s hand with her claws.
            “Must we live our lives out as dragons?” asked Prince Adam in the sand next to Eva.

All the young dragons began to cry.

“It’s entirely my fault. I talked Eva into going in with me. Everyone else came in because they saw how much fun we were having. Can you forgive me?” Prince Adam asked dejectedly.
            The King gently placed his hands on Prince Adam’s scaled dragon shoulders.
            “My Son, I forgive you and love you,” said King Omni, “Someday you will be a great help to me. You and Eva will help right this evil the dragon created, so take heart.” 

The King drew Prince Adam to his feet.

Prince Adam and Princess Eva, now dragons, wiped their dragon tears and looked into the eyes of their father, along with all the other little dragons. They saw nothing but love there. After the King assured them, he looked up seriously, determination in his eyes.

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