Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 20

As the twelve new beings awoke, servants came and stood them on their feet and dressed them in the royal robes and small golden crown rings.

            To Luca’s surprise and irritation, one of the servants helping was his own teacher, Tarnen.

            “You are my children, of my own breath,” announced King Omni. All the children looked at the King with innocent eyes. “These creatures who assisted you are your guides. They will help you as you grow. They will prepare you for your future duties as my children. Some of you will be made responsible for other princes and princesses, such as yourself, when you grow up.” The King motioned to his left. “The creature by the tent is Luca, my dragon. When I am not available, you may go to him, and he can change something, such as a rock, into something you need. Now please come and present yourselves to me for names. Orfa write each name on the scroll.”

            “What did he say?” hissed Luca, “I’m to make things for these infants?”
              He was furious. He watched in disbelief as each child was presented for a name, a hug, and a fatherly kiss from the King. When the ceremony was finished, each child’s personal guide led the child to a tent to sleep for the night.  Luca was so angry he could hardly move. He waited until the King was close to his tent before he spoke.

            “You never gave me your breath,” he raged at the King. “You never gave me a hug or a kiss. And to top it all off,” Luca ranted, “I am to be like a servant, granting all their little wishes,”As he spoke, his scales flexed from head to toe and changed from rainbow colors to green and back.
            King Omni turned to Luca and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Why are you so upset? Did I not tell you that you would be a help to me someday? That you were to be my right hand?” King Omni said in a gentle manner.
            You never showed me the love you have given these creatures. Look at them,” Luca said angrily, pointing in the direction of the tents. “They are so helpless! They can’t fly, breath fire, or do anything. Yet I can tell that you love them more than me!”Luca sounded hurt. He turned his back on the King like a little child, folded his arms, and pouted his dragon lips.
            “Luca, I have given you all the best gifts, including the amulet. You are one-of-a-kind, beautiful, and immortal, yet you are not satisfied? You are the only one who has traveled with me as I went through the Kingdom creating, yet it is not enough?” King Omni held out his arms, trying to reason with the dragon.
            “I know this is all true, but why did you create these beings? “Luca pouted.
            “I wanted creation like myself in spirit, with the ability to love me if they wish. And look, they are the frailest creatures of all. They are no threat to you,” said the King.

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