Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 32

 “I’ll just eat them but I’m in,” said Prince Adam.

“Good,” said Edith, “Now hurry on to class.”

Prince Adam and Princess Eva entered Celestial’s room.  The rest of the class was seated and the last two desks were at the back of the room close to the door.

 “Take a seat Prince Adam and Princess Eva, we were just about to begin,” said the guide Celestial.  

 As they sat listening to the guide, talking about the Kingdom, Prince Adam’s mind started to wander.

 “Eva,” he whispered as he leaned toward Eva’s desk.

Eva made sure the guide was busy when she whispered back, “What?”
            “I am sick of being inside the castle studying day after day. Let’s go outside,”

“We just had our three-day King Celebrations,” Eva whispered back.

“Yea, just three days and everything is back to parchments and books,” grumbled Prince Adam.
            “Prince Adam, do you have something to share?”

            Adam’s head snapped back to the front of the room. Celestial, at the front of the class, was addressing him. The whole room turned to look. Prince Adam did not like the attention, so he put an innocent look on his cherub face and said,
“No. sorry.”

The guide and the other royals turned back to the lesson. Adam looked out the window. He saw trees, sun, and that beautiful water of the sea lapping against the shore near the castle wall. He looked back to see what Eva was doing. She was watching him.

“Today we will study about a man with two sons. The youngest wanted his inheritance,” Celestial said.  

On another occasion, Prince Adam might have said or done something to make Eva laugh, and then the whole class would join in. but today he wanted to get outside more than he wanted to get attention. The door and windows were all open to circulate the cool Northern Kingdom air. It was midsummer and warm. A fresh cool breeze was making its way out of the south and into the windows. Light curtains on the windows fluttered up and over the royals’ heads. It drove Prince Adam wild as he breathed the air in deeply. He could not concentrate on one word the guide was saying.
“Eva, let’s sneak out,” he whispered.

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