Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Dragon's Enchantment page 48

Sir Adam shifted in his seat. He put down his fork and reached out and took her hand in the two of his, “He had two baby dragons right at his feet. He threatened to step on them. I couldn’t wait for backup. Then letting go of her hand he added, “Luca says they are his family, yet he is willing to kill them rather than let them be royals.” Sir Adam raised his hands palms upward, “I just couldn’t let it happen.”  He put his hands down and grabbed the edge of the table and leaned forward, “So I ran right in front of him. I threw the sword over toward the babies and told them, touch the sword!”  Sir Adam leaded back and crossed his arms. “They touched it and disappeared as Luca prepared to fry me. I ran for the woods and hid under a hill with my shield over me. I felt the hair on my neck singe as the fire sailed above. Luckily, the hill I was hiding under was a wet moss covered holey log. I crawled into it and hid as I saw the dragon plow by. When I was sure he was well past, I climbed out and retrieved my sword and headed home.” Sir Adam took up his fork and started to eat again.
            “Promise me you won’t face the dragon alone again, Adam. Take me with you. I would rather be at your side working as a team. Please. I beg you. I know we could be at least as good as team as Sir Patrick and Lady Carlea.”

            Adam looked up from his plate and saw the pleading in Lady Eva’s eyes, “As you wish, my dear sister. Though being as good as those two is a tall order,” Sir Adam said softly. Adam rose, reached over, and took Lady Eva’s hand and kissed it. Lady Eva smiled at him good-naturedly and mussed his hair.
            From that time on, Sir Adam and Lady Knight Eva always traveled and worked for the kingdom together. They were the finest team in the kingdom and all knights are inspired to be like the Brave Sir Adam and The Great Lady Eva.   The End.

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